Saturday, May 2, 2009

love and house shopping

I spent most of my free time today looking for a new home. There are many nice properties in my area that I can actually afford...the real question is would I be happy living all alone in the woods...the thought is attractive but it certainly feels as though I would be happier living in an isolated setting with a partner to share the wilderness with...and the thoughts start creeping in...thoughts that I cannot discard...the stairs are too steep to be safe...its too far from work...there's no hospitals nearby...and the country roads' driveability will be questionnable come colder days....basically it comes down to the fact that this (or any of the houses I saw today) is not the house I want to grow old in...and then the thought struck many ways settling down with a partner can be a similar process. Many of the homes I saw today were nice enough...with all the amenities that meet my predetermined criteria, lots of potential and possibility...but when it comes down to it I can't imagine myself living in any of them-much like it works in relationships at least it has always worked that way for me. Using the same parallel there are similarities in the difference between falling in love with someone and sharing a life with them-the ideal/theoretical meets logistical realities that gone ignored can make for challenging daily routine. For example...a steep driveway is lovely and almost exotic because I've lived on flat terrain most of my life...but it will likely become an issue when I'm scaling it over a layer of ice as I'm rushing out to my job in the next county , -it will likely seem like an unnecesary risk once the honeymoon period expires. These issues on their own present small and even moderate hardship but for the right the house I fall in love with they would be issues I could concede on. However...because none of these is the one the imperfections small or moderate become obstacles and I am left searching again...for a house that is.

This is the time when I compare what I have now with what the market has to offer. What keeps me from committing to one property or another...I know...none of them are right. The right place will reveal itself and I will know it when I see it. I have recognized true love in the same fashion and so far it hasn't been wrong...sometimes painful, but always right.

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