Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'll write in a few minutes....maybe in an hour....nahhh...maybe I'll do it tomorrow....that's what my inner dialogue sounds like most of the time...unless my procrastination is directly threatening my immediate survival (i.e. get fired, go to jail, have bank accounts seized, and of course all life and death issues for myself & loved ones) I'm suspended in an in-between place where everything and nothing are the same as are tears and laughter. I'm afloat on an ocean of thoughts, concepts and theoreticals which seem all too separate from who I really am. These days only the extremes of pain, suffering, and instability disturb me enough to act. When I say act I mean respond to situations by addressing the needs with whatever needs to be done.

And all I can do is nothing...but I think I will do that later...

1 comment:

Nobody said...

in nothing is everything :)